February 3, 2011


Annual Conference of the Department of English, University of Delhi


DAY 1, February 14, 2011, Vice-Regal Lodge Convention Hall, Delhi University

9.30 Registration
Welcome: Sumanyu Satpathy
Introduction: Brinda Bose         

10.30 - KEYNOTE: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University): Situating Feminisms

11.30 – Coffee

11.45-1.45, Session 1.1 – Chairperson: Rajeswari Sunder Rajan
Mary John (Centre for Women’s Development Studies): After Feminism:  Reflections on the “Post”
Ratna Kapur (Geneva School of Diplomacy and International relations/Jindal Global Law School): Hecklers to Power? The Waning of Liberal Rights and Challenges to Feminism in India
Nivedita Menon (Jawaharlal Nehru University): The Disappearing Body and Feminist Thought

1.45-2.30 - Lunch

2.30- 4.00, Session 1.2 – Chairperson: Gautam Chakravarty
Ruth Vanita (University of Montana): Playful Speech: Gender and Modernity in Late 18th, Early 19th Century Lakhnavi Poetry
Rimli Bhattacharya (Delhi University): A Moment in Performance

4.00-4.15 – Tea

4.15-5.45, Session 1.3 – Chairperson: Prasanta Chakravarty
Gauri Viswanathan (Columbia University): Feminism, Animal Anti-Vivisection, and Alternative Religions
Anirban Das (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences): The Aesthetics of Decision: Justice, Law and The Fetus in a Divided Planet

DAY 2, February 15, 2011, Conference Centre, Delhi University

9.30 – 11.00, Session 2.1 – Chairperson: Shirshendu Chakrabarti
Michael Levenson (University of Virginia): Same-and-Other: Modernist Desire, Feminist Demand, and the Androgynous Imagination
Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadavpur University): Women, Writing and Violence, or, Outside Woolf’s Room

11.00-11.15 – Coffee

11.15-1.15, PARALLEL Session A: 2.2.i – Chairperson: Rupendra Guha Majumdar
Trina Nileena Banerjee (PhD scholar, Centre for the Study of Social Sciences): Agents of Pain and Shame/ or Performing a Habitus: The Performance of Pain by Women on the Contemporary Indian Stage
Anuradha Dingwaney Needham (Oberlin College): “Performing Women”: On the Nachne-Ganewalis of Shyam Benegal’s Bhumika, Mandi, and Sardari Begum
 Samrat Sengupta (Kharagpur College): Ideology of the Lips: New Hegemonies of Femininity and the Politics of Images in Global Consumerism

11.15-1.15, PARALLEL Session B: 2.2.ii – Chairperson: Subarno Chattarji
Mallarika Sinha Roy (Jawaharlal Nehru University): Weapons and Wounds: Modernity’s Encounter with Gendered Violence in Postcolonial Bengal
Divya Dwivedi (PhD scholar, IIT Delhi): Let the Right One In: Citizenship, Gender and Politics
Taisha Abraham (Jesus and Mary College, DU): Sathin Bhanwari Re-visited: A Feminist (Post) Mortem

1.15-2.00 – Lunch

2.00-3.30, Session 2.3 – Chairperson: Harish Trivedi
Udaya Kumar (Delhi University): Spectral Transactions:  Memory and Masculinity in C. Ayyappan’s World
Raj Kumar (Delhi University): The Progressives and the Untouchable Body: Dalit Women in Indian Literature

3.30-5.00, PARALLEL Session A: 2.4.i – Chairperson: Nandini Chandra
Pushpesh Kumar(SRTM University) : We Have More nakhada than Women: Desire, Censorship and Negotiation of khada kotis in a Provincial city
Niladri Chatterjee (University of Kalyani): “Shake Your Bonbon [and Your Heteronormativity]”: The Spectacular Homographesis of Ricky Martin

3.30-5.00, PARALLEL Session B: 2.4.ii - Chairperson: Baidik Bhattacharya
Sneha Krishnan (PhD scholar, University of Oxford): A Masculine Metaphor: Exploring the Sexual Psychodynamics of Leadership in Nehru’s Life and Writing
Pranav Jani (Ohio State University): Constructing the Nationalist Goddess: Representations of the Rani of Jhansi

5.00-5.15 – Tea

5.15– Performance
Ananya Chatterjea (University of Minnesota/Ananya Dance Theatre): Body Knowledges/Performance as Feminist Historiographies: Excerpt from Khoy!/Decay! (2010 production)

DAY 3: February 16, 2011, Conference Centre, Delhi University

9.30 – 10.50, Session 3.1 – Chair: Sambudha Sen
Rajeswari Sunder Rajan (New York University): The Subject(s) of Mourning: The Uses and Limits of Antagonism as Feminist Politics
Charu Gupta (Delhi University): Hindu Women, Muslim Men:  Romance, Sexuality and Everyday Violence

10.50-11.05 – Coffee

11.05–1.05, Session 3.2 –   Chairperson: Christel Devadawson
Shohini Ghosh (Jamia Millia Islamia): Camp, Style and Testimony: The Emergence of Queer Independent Films
Ranjani Mazumdar (Jawaharlal Nehru University): Bombay Cinema's Dancing Queen: The Case of Helen
Paromita Vohra (filmmaker, Devi Pictures): Independent Women: Feminism, Film, Fun

1.05-2.00 – Lunch

2.00–3.20, Session 3.3 – Chairperson: Supriya Chaudhuri
Flavia Agnes (Legal Centre of Majlis):  Citizenship at the Margins: Balancing Visibility and Invisibility: The Case of the Bar Dancers
Brinda Bose (Delhi University) and Akhil Katyal (PhD scholar, SOAS, London University): Toward a New Aesthetics of Silence; Or, Some Passionate Political Experiments with Contra-Outing

3.25-4.45, PARALLEL Session A: 3.3.i - Chairperson: Tapan Basu
Radha Chakravarty (Gargi College, Delhi University): Bodymaps: Women’s Stories from South Asia
Vandana Saxena (Miranda House, DU): Reclaiming Monsters: The fairy tale of ‘Beauty and the Beast’

3.25-4.45, PARALLEL Session B: 3.3.ii – Chairperson: Rochelle Pinto
Paromita Patranobish (PhD scholar, Delhi University): Mortuary Morphologies: Death, Dismemberment and Desire in the Work of Four Contemporary Indian Women Artists
Nishat Haider (University of Lucknow): Female Embodiment, the Veil and Islam

4.45-5.00 - Tea

5.00 – Performances: Mono-Acts
Pramada Menon: Fat, Feminist and Free
Gautam Bhan: The Dude

Vote of Thanks

February 17, 2011: Arts Faculty, DU, 11.00-1.00 - Post-Conference Body Movement ‘Vigilance’ Workshop conducted by Ananya Chatterjea. For a limited number of participants; please contact us if interested.  

September 9, 2010

Postfeminist Postmortems? Gender, Sexualities and Multiple Modernities

February 14-16, 2011

Feminisms and modernities have had a long and interlocked history. Now that we are, arguably, in a post-feminist, post-modern era, is it a fitting moment to stop and take stock of this critical encounter?

This provocation emerges out of a particular trajectory of debates, controversies and confrontations in gender studies over the past two decades. Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble (1990) destabilised understandings of these interlocked categories about two decades after feminism emerged as a serious tool of critical inquiry. In 1990, also, Gayatri Spivak in The Postcolonial Critic re-located critical feminisms outside the Anglophone world.

As a result of such foundational interventions, gender and modernities have encountered each other in and across unlikely cultural geographies, and have produced unforeseen critical progeny. Recent developments, in particular, dislocate any universalist assumption behind such mercurial categories, and allow us to re-conceptualize both gender and modernities across multiple spatial coordinates spanning innovative understandings of postcolonial feminisms, queer studies, performance/film studies, legal studies and so forth. Following on leads offered by such significant scholarship in these areas, this conference in the 21st century will look for fresh evaluations of modernities and gender across the arts and social sciences. The conference will seek to understand the complex interactions of gender/sexualities with a large array of social identifications including race, class, nation and caste within the framework of modernities across literatures, cinema, art, music, dance, photography and theatre in western as well as in post/neo/colonial sites.

Possible topics may include but are not restricted to:

· Literary modernity and gendered politics
· Sexualities and contemporary modernities
· Queer politics and cultural tropes
· Postfeminist interventions and contemporary frames of knowledge
· Reframing political thought and gendered citizenship
· The gendered subaltern and modern historiographies
· Gender, sexualities, and everyday life
· Postfeminist geographies and locational politics
· Metropolitan modernities and feminist interventions
·Gender, sexualities and contemporary visual cultures
· Genres of modernity
· Postsecular interrogations
· Consuming modernities and public/private spaces
· Performing gender and modernities
· Gender and science/technology
· Sexual minorities and contemporary legal discourses
· Class, caste and gendered politics
· Islam, the veil and the West
· Gender and development/environment
· Radical queernesses
· Violence, sexuality and power
· The desiring/desired body
· Affective modernities

Please send your abstract (300 words) and a brief bionote (150 words) to the following email or postal address by October 31, 2010:
